Social landlords will have the option of granting two-year fixed term tenancies from April 2012, despite a "large majority of respondents to a Government consultation saying that two years would rarely or never be enough". A summary of responses to the
Local Decisions: a Fairer Future for Social Housing consultation have been published alongside the Government's intentions on next steps in the reform of social housing. The document said that amongst those respondents who suggested a longer minimum term there was a "significant degree of consensus that five years would be appropriate". However, the Government intends to stick with a two-year minimum, with many respondents feeling that whilst they did not envisage two year general needs tenancies being used in their area, it was "right that discretion was available locally". Under Government reforms, social landlords will be given the freedom to offer their properties under fixed term tenancies, from a minimum of two years, subject to consulting on a publishing a clear policy on how they will use their new flexibility on tenancies. Read more on 24dash.
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