Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Croydon's Homeless Asked To Move to Hull After Borough Runs Out

Homeless families will be asked to move to seaside towns in Yorkshire because of the chronic shortage of housing in Croydon. The council is so short of temporary accommodation that it will pay for destitute families to relocate more than 225 miles and live in areas such as Hull – once dubbed Britain's worst town – where homes are more readily available and rent is cheaper. The measure has been introduced to tackle a homelessness crisis in Croydon, epitomised by the 300 families currently living in bed and breakfasts – costing the council £300,000 a month. Croydon's housing crisis had been worsened by the need to find emergency accommodation for 58 families who lost their homes during the riots. There are currently 1,600 homeless families in Croydon, mostly in temporary accommodation. Croydon has already looked further afield for housing. Earlier this year, the authority paid for a homeless family to live in St Leonards-on-Sea near Hastings in East Sussex. Read more on the Croydon Advertiser.

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