Friday, 2 November 2012

EU Cash Could Help UK Homeless

European Union cash could be on its way to the homeless in the UK to help pay for food and more durable goods. The European Commission has proposed a fund to help the most deprived in the union with homeless people being a priority target. If the fund goes ahead, 2.5 billion euros will be split between the 27 member states from January 2014 for seven years. To secure the cash countries will have to top it up with 15 per cent of their own money. The amount each country gets will depend on a range of factors, such as size and need. Once in the country, the money would be distributed to charities to use. Umbrella group FEANTSA has suggested the fund should be used for ‘starter packs’ – including items such as household goods and furniture - for homeless people when they manage to secure a new home.  Read more on the FEANTSA website.

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