Monday, 9 December 2013

Autumn Statement 2013: The Key Points for Housing

·         Unblocking stalled sites for housebuilding - £1bn in loans over six years to unlock sites for large housing developments.
·         Council borrowing caps raised - increased housing revenue account borrowing limit by £300m
·         Selling expensive social housing - Councils will be forced to sell expensive social housing
·         Welfare spending cap - a new cap on total welfare spending. Jobseekers allowance and state pensions will be excluded from the cap.
·         Right-to-buy expansion - The government will set aside a £100m fund to expand the right-to-buy
·         Help to Buy boost - Two further banks, Aldermore and Virgin, will sign up to Help to Buy
·         Priority 'right to move' - Employed residents who need to move for a job will be given priority
·         Capital gains tax exemptions lifted for non-UK residents  - Non-UK residents selling residential property that is not their main home will pay capital gains tax

Read more on the Guardian website.

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