Tuesday, 10 December 2013

DWP Ministers to Decide Whether to Scrap All of the £300m Universal Credit IT

Ministers at the DWP are to decide this month whether to immediately scrap all of the £300m Universal Credit (UC) IT systems and start again from scratch. Computer Weekly has learned that a review by UC director general Howard Shiplee will recommend two options for the future of the IT developed so far, which go even further than previous reports have suggested. One option would mean scrapping all the work done so far, thereby admitting it is not fit for purpose, and bringing most of the development of new IT systems in-house under the control of the Government Digital Service (GDS). Option two would involve continuing to use some of the existing IT to support the current Pathfinder pilot projects, but developing new systems for the full roll-out – effectively delaying any decision to throw away all the work completed so far. Read more on the Computer Weekly website.

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