Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Extra 310 Working People a Day Go Onto Housing Benefit

England may finally be emerging from recession but the recovery is distorted and leaves the country with two broken housing markets, according to a new report. Whilst economic growth has returned to many areas, this has caused the already over-stretched housing market there to overheat. Meanwhile, in parts of England where green shoots are nowhere to be seen, high unemployment and low wages mean families are desperately struggling to make ends meet and communities are at a standstill. Home Truths, by the National Housing Federation, shows that rising rents in growth areas such as London are pushing more and more working people over the edge, forcing an extra 310 people every day – one working person every five minutes1 - to turn to the Government for housing benefit to keep the roof over their heads. Download a copy of the report from the NHF website.

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