Private landlords have bought up half of the former
council homes in some of London's poorest boroughs by exploiting Margaret
Thatcher's celebrated right-to-buy scheme, an analysis reveals. Across the capital at least 36% - equivalent to 52,000 -
one-time council homes are now rented out privately but that proportion is even
higher in some of the poorest areas where average private-sector rents, often
paid by tenants on housing benefit, cost as much as £230 a week more than
council rents. A report to be published tomorrow claims that the right to buy
scheme, highlighted by David Cameron as one of the greatest Thatcher successes
at last year's Tory party conference, is "possibly unrivalled" in
providing poor value for money to both taxpayers and local authorities. Read
more on the Observer website.
Stamp duty deadline and economic gloom dampen UK housing market
Buyer demand fell to lowest level since November 2023 in February, Royal
Institution of Chartered Surveyors says
Momentum in the UK housing market slowed...
11 hours ago
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