Friday, 17 April 2015

Seven Reasons Why Extending 'Right to Buy' to Housing Associations Is Plain Bad Policy

1.       We have a housing crisis.
2.       The proposal involves councils selling high value homes when they become empty with the proceeds being used as discounts to individuals. That means two rented homes lost to social renting forever to allow one lucky household to own a home.
3.       This is a very ineffective way to support the aspiration that many have to become home owners.
4.       We have over nine million households living in private rented accommodation who have no chance of benefitting from this bonanza.
5.       There are a further three million adults still living with their parents. Nothing for them in this either.
6.       There are huge numbers of people in poor quality, insecure homes who are working hard but in low paid jobs. Their aspiration is a decent home to rent.
7.       Housing Associations exist to provide benefit to the community and they hold their assets (housing stock) in trust for the community. They do this by providing affordable homes for rent. To dispose of these assets to individuals is contrary to their legal objectives.

Read more on the Huffington Post website.

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