Thursday, 24 November 2016

Future Of Brent’s Council Housing To Be Discussed

A report seeking approval to begin a 12 week consultation with residents regarding the future management of Brent's housing will be discussed by Brent Council later this month. Housing management services for Brent are currently delivered by Brent Housing Partnership (BHP), an arm's length management organisation (ALMO) which was set-up in by the Council in 2002. In June, Cabinet commissioned a review of the current arrangements. The review was also a response to concerns with BHP's performance. The options considered were to continue with a reformed BHP, to bring housing management back under direct council control, or to set up a partnership with another housing provider. The recommendation being presented to Cabinet is to bring the service back in-house so it is directly under the council's control. Read more on the Brent Housing Partnership website.

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