Spending on temporary accommodation by local authorities
increased to £1.2bn last year, with the vast majority being paid to private
landlords, letting agents or companies. Latest data published by the government
shows that in 2019/20, councils spent £1.19bn on temporary accommodation, up 9%
from the amount spent last year and up 55% from 2014/15. Of the total spent in
England last year, 87% went to private landlords, letting agents or companies,
a 66% increase on the amount paid to private providers in 2014/15. Spending on
emergency B&B accommodation has increased by 73% since 2014/15. Read more
on Inside Housing.
If you support streamlined planning, ask yourself this: what if someone
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Adding two storeys to an existing block of flats meant an ordeal for its
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6 hours ago
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