Thursday, 1 April 2010

Healey Offers Further Boost to Councils to Tackle Tenancy Cheats

Housing Minister John Healey has given councils and housing associations another 27,000 hot leads to potential tenancy cheats who fraudulently sublet the homes they have been allocated. Mr Healey made clear he wants people to feel the system for housing families is fairer, and outlined his intention to make this fraud a criminal offence. If caught, tenancy cheats will usually lose their tenancy and could lose their right to social housing in future. Since December councils and housing associations have recovered around 350 homes, nearly half of which have already been re-allocated to those in real need. The average cost of recovering a property from a tenancy cheat can be as little as £3,000 - in contrast building 350 new council homes could have cost as much as £35million. Read the full story on the CLG website.

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