The Grenfell Tower landlord held a secret meeting to cut
refurbishment costs – including discussing the switch to cheaper cladding –
despite being warned by lawyers that it would break procurement law and could
void the main contract, the public inquiry into the disaster was told. David
Gibson, head of capital investment at the Kensington and Chelsea Tenant
Management Organisation (KCTMO), which operated the council tower block for its
owner, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, organised a “secret” and
“offline” meeting with the contractor Rydon in which they agreed more than
£800,000 in savings, he told the inquiry. Read more on the Guardian website.
If you support streamlined planning, ask yourself this: what if someone
built a new home on your roof? | Kirsty Major
Adding two storeys to an existing block of flats meant an ordeal for its
residents. In this age of ‘build, baby, build’, are there enough
12 hours ago
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